The Latin American Summer School on Epilepsy (LASSE) is an educational activity supported by the International League Against Epilepsy (ILAE), the Latin American Academy of Epilepsy (ALADE) and the Brazilian League of Epilepsy (LBE).

The first edition of LASSE was held in 2007 with the aim of offering young Latin American neuroscientists the opportunity to understand the most important aspects of current epileptology, from its pathophysiological bases to the most recent treatments.

All LASSE activities are conducted by the most distinguished experts from different parts of the world who generously share their knowledge with all participants. Each edition of LASSE addresses a specific topic on Epilepsy (see the list of all LASSEs under “Previous Editions“).

The continuous and fundamental financial support of the ILAE, the São Paulo State Research Agency (FAPESP) and other agencies and foundations from different countries has made LASSE an ongoing and free event for all participants.

The event venue, the Santa Monica Hotel and Convention Center, in São Paulo, offers super special prices for LASSE attendees. In very special cases, LASSE can offer financial support. If you really need this support to participate in LASSE, please explain your case in the space dedicated to “why you are interested in LASSE” found on the application form.

All previous editions of LASSE have given much satisfaction to the organizers, professors and participants (collectively called LASSEans). In addition to a pleasant environment, the quantity and quality of knowledge offered by the professors will provide a new vision on epilepsy. All those interested in becoming a LASSEan should join us by registering on the dedicated page.

Get a glimpse of LASSE by watching the video made for the 2023 edition located here below.


Prof. Esper Cavalheiro

Esper Cavalheiro


Profa. Dra. Elza M. Yacubian

Elza M. Yacubian


Fernando Cendes

Fernando Cendes


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